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Tin Box Application
编辑:   发布时间: 2017-8-22

  Tin Boxes Application could be classified into two major aspecets, one is traditional sector, the other is new sector.

The purposes of using tin boxes in traditional industries are mainly to pack food,such as chocolate, candy, biscuit, cookie,tea. However, to pack medicine is ascending now. Besides,Tin Box could be used to pack gifts,such as watch,jewelry,postcard,T-shirt.

   As to the new industries, for example,IT. You may doubt that what is the function of tin boxes for IT organization.My answer is advertising, the most important srategy for every companies.They can make their information shown through he surface of tin boxes by beautiful and lively printing to promote their enterprise image, or just a souvenir to celebrate their special companys day.

So, Tin Box could be used widely in every industries.

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